Why do toddlers hold food in their mouth

Why do toddlers hold food in their mouth

Why Do Toddlers Hold Food in Their Mouth: Understanding the Behavior

As parents and caregivers, we often encounter certain behaviors in toddlers that leave us puzzled. One common behavior that many toddlers exhibit is holding food in their mouth. It can be frustrating and concerning for parents, especially when it becomes a recurring habit. In this article, we will explore the reasons behind why toddlers hold food in their mouth and offer some insights into how to address this behavior.

 The Exploration Phase of Toddlers

Toddlers are at a stage of rapid growth and development. They are curious beings, constantly exploring the world around them, including food. Holding food in their mouth is often a part of this exploration phase. By holding food in their mouth, toddlers can experience different textures, tastes, and temperatures. It allows them to gather sensory information and satisfy their innate curiosity.

Teething Troubles

Teething can be a challenging time for toddlers. The discomfort and pain associated with emerging teeth can lead to changes in eating patterns. Some toddlers may hold food in their mouth as a way to alleviate the discomfort caused by teething. The pressure exerted by the food against their gums can provide temporary relief and help soothe their sore gums.

Developing Independence and Control

Toddlers are also at a stage where they are asserting their independence and developing a sense of control over their environment. Holding food in their mouth can be an attempt to exercise this newfound autonomy. By holding onto the food, they feel a sense of power and control over their eating experience. It can also be a way for them to delay or prolong mealtime, especially if they are not particularly hungry or if they want attention from their caregivers.

Sensory Processing Challenges

Some toddlers may have sensory processing challenges that contribute to their food-holding behavior. Sensory processing refers to how the brain receives and interprets sensory information from the environment. Certain textures, flavors, or even the act of swallowing may be overwhelming for some toddlers. Holding food in their mouth allows them to regulate the sensory input and gradually adjust to new sensations.

 Coping Mechanisms for Anxiety or Stress

Toddlers, like adults, can experience feelings of anxiety or stress. Holding food in their mouth can serve as a coping mechanism for these emotional states. It provides a sense of comfort and security, similar to how adults may turn to certain foods or habits during times of stress. If your toddler is going through a period of change or experiencing emotional upheaval, the food-holding behavior may be a manifestation of their need for emotional regulation.

Addressing the Behavior

While it’s natural for toddlers to hold food in their mouth occasionally, persistent or excessive food-holding may require some intervention. Here are a few strategies to address this behavior:

1. Encourage proper chewing and swallowing:

Offer foods in appropriate sizes and textures that are easier for your toddler to manage. Encourage them to chew thoroughly and swallow before taking another bite.

2. Offer a variety of foods:

 Introduce a wide range of foods with different textures, flavors, and colors. This can help keep mealtime interesting and encourage your toddler to actively engage with their food.

3. Create a positive eating environment:

 Make mealtimes enjoyable and stress-free. Sit down together as a family, avoid distractions, and provide a relaxed atmosphere. Positive associations with eating can help reduce the urge to hold food in the mouth.

4. Consult a healthcare professional:

If you have concerns about your toddler’s eating habits or suspect underlying sensory issues, it may be helpful to consult a healthcare professional, such as a pediatrician or occupational therapist, for guidance and support.


In conclusion, toddlers hold food in their mouth for various reasons, including curiosity, teething discomfort, the desire for independence, sensory processing challenges, and as a coping mechanism for anxiety or stress. Understanding the underlying factors can help parents and caregivers address this behavior effectively. By offering appropriate foods, creating a positive eating environment, and seeking professional guidance if necessary, we can support our toddlers in developing healthy eating habits and ensure their overall well-being.

Remember, each child is unique, and what works for one may not work for another. Patience, understanding, and gentle guidance are key as we navigate through these developmental milestones with our little ones.

Read More:

-“How To Stop Toddlers From Throwing Food

-“How to get a picky toddler to eat

-“How long does it take for babies to digest food?

-“Daily Meals For Toddlers”

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